A love of evergreen trees and of working with others…

My journey began with a deep-seated passion for the outdoors and for adventure. I started my career with youth in the Puget Sound region and continued outdoor education with teens in the mountains of North Carolina. It was there, teaching teens as a wilderness guide, that I found my calling in life—to support, educate, and empower others.

I taught outdoor skills such as whitewater rafting, rock climbing, camping, backcountry travel, and helped students discover their true selves and unlimited potential. The skills and insights students gained from wilderness experiences empowered them… and metaphors of overcoming fears and beliefs were applied to everyday life- fostering resilience, self-awareness, and holistic well-being.

After studying experiential education, wilderness leadership, communication, and environmental studies, I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Adventure Education from Prescott College. My passion for guiding and teaching continued to grow, and I next earned my Master’s Degree in Teaching from the University of Washington. Coaching and educating people became my mission. The next stage of life had me teaching in the classroom setting in the Seattle area.

Over the years, as I taught youth and people of all ages. I kept expanding my horizons through additional professional trainings and life’s curriculum (marriage, a relocation, motherhood, trauma, illness, loss & grief, divorce, a sick parent, and all that accompanies life and inevitable transitions). I experienced joy and sadness, and I learned many things- and I also did some unlearning.

As I parented, supported my children in launching their own businesses, worked, and juggled life- I also felt a pull towards something new. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was until the Spring of 2019 when I went into the wilderness for a retreat.

It was then, on a warm spring day in the high desert of Oregon, that I heard the inner calling to take a rite of passage guide training through the School of Lost Borders. My calling was to weave my experiences together as a guide and educator to become a Rite of Passage Guide (a facilitator who helps individuals navigate significant transitions in their lives through structured, meaningful experiences).

Five months later, I found myself sitting alone in the desert on a five-day, four-night wilderness solo experience. No food. Just water and my basic essentials of clothing and a sleeping bag. It was during that intentional solo & rite of passage that I claimed all of my parts of being a whole human—as a parent, an entrepreneur, a lifelong learner, a skier and explorer of mountains, a grower of dahlias, a space-holder, a wilderness guide, a mother, a sister and daughter, a volunteer, an artist, a lover of all people and creatures, a conduit for connection, and a community builder. It was there, under a brilliant sky of stars, that Evergreen Holistic Coaching was born.

Today, my life is a testament to the passion I have for teaching, nature, adventure, learning, and personal growth… and I am here with unwavering support and encouragement for YOU!

Why did I chose the name Evergreen Holistic Coaching? The word "Evergreen" symbolizes enduring growth and resilience, reflecting my belief that personal development is a lifelong journey and that we can stand tall (like an evergreen tree) in all seasons of life. The word "Holistic" signifies my approach, which considers all aspects of an individual's life—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. And, "Coaching" represents the wisdom and practices from my years as guide combined with rite of passage work- and the belief that you have all the answers inside of you.

My mission is to help you navigate life's transitions with grace, confidence, and with intention. Are you ready to get started?

The best investment
you will ever make-
is in yourself!